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hairstyles and color. Beauty Medium Emo Hairstyle

  • Beauty Medium Emo Hairstyle

  • Benguitar
    Nov 25, 09:37 PM
    Couldn't you find a smaller Pelican case? I mean that's why everyone is up in your face :p

    You couldn't find a slower Ferrari? :p

    It was the smallest water/crush proof case they made.

    They had smaller Pelicans that are the yellow/clear or blue/clear that are actually the size of sunglasses cases.

    But, I just didn't want my glasses rattling around in a plastic case that will most likely scratch the lenses.

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  • short hairstyles and color.

  • kftrainer
    Apr 3, 06:17 PM
    I see how some might not like how it is handled. I guess my point was it was by design and is not a bug.

    Ok gotcha I guess it is not bad in that respect

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  • hair, hair color, hairstyle,

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 23, 10:31 AM
    Tuesday Release!!!!

    lets hope!! apple usually does them around tues.

    hairstyles and color. Fall Hairstyles Color
  • Fall Hairstyles Color

  • danvdr
    Oct 23, 11:12 PM
    FWI Dell Just Lowered The List Of All Their Monitors � 30" $1279 24" $679 Right Now ( We paid $1349 last week in a sale and now it's been trumped. New 30" list is only $1599 and 24" list is $799.

    2007FP 20" 1600x1200 is now only $359.20 ( This is amazing.

    And the E207WFP 20" monitor (which seems to be comparable to the 2007FP minus a few bells and whistles ( is only $289.

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  • lauren conrad hair color 2011.

  • infidel69
    Mar 24, 01:13 PM
    Awesome news, I recomend the ATI 5870. It can be found for only $200 and it more than holds it's own against the latest and greatest from Nvidia and ATI. It's only 6 percent slower than a 6950. The 6950 on the other hand can be flashed to a 6970 quite easily but it costs abot $260.

    hairstyles and color. Short Hairstyle Color for
  • Short Hairstyle Color for

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 8, 07:00 PM
    Originally Posted by SciFrog
    Got #7 spot on the team!

    Now it gets much harder, a month and a half at least.

    The team is doing great with 230k PPD 
    we should maintain our rank at least, but I have a feeling many windows teams have not discovered the bigadv units yet. Rumor is if GPU3 is stable, it might make it to Linux.

    The higher you get the lonelier you are :p I'll be there soon enough...

    I was thinking bigadv units weren't available on windows, just Mac and linux, maybe I misread that.

    congrats. i sure hope GPU3 makes it linux. that would really get us some more points

    If gpu3 runs well on linux a lot of people will start getting more points I suspect - like me - I just haven't had time to mess with gpu2 for a while so I hope they get it out soon!!

    hairstyles and color. Hairstyle colors
  • Hairstyle colors

  • henrikrox
    Mar 24, 01:37 PM
    anyone want to guess what we will see in the new imac?

    gpus i mean

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  • blonde hair colors and styles.

  • w8ing4intelmacs
    Jan 11, 08:36 PM
    As the Mac community eagerly awaits for a MacBook Touch, it seems to me that a MacBook Air based on the MacBook would be a yawner.

    maybe later in the year they will debut the MacBook Air Pro :) :D

    hairstyles and color. The Emo Hairstyle has
  • The Emo Hairstyle has

  • supermacdesign
    Jul 18, 09:50 AM
    I hope the rental thing is true--I don't want to own. I'm not with Steve Jobs on this one (assuming the rumors are true that he opposes rentals).

    Owning music downloads fits my habits/needs. Owning movie downloads does NOT. The vast majority of movies I watch I never see again. And I don't want to store big movie files long-term. And I don't want to pay a higher price! Lower the price and make it short-term. I like that better.

    For the few movies/shows I'd want to own, I want the discs (Blu-Ray preferred :) ) and the ability to take them to a friends' house.

    Also, if it's a rental model, I can be more forgiving on quality. They'd have to be better than iPod 320x240 (except, obviously, when played ON an iPod), but if they're a little bit short of DVD quality, I'd still be bored enough to seek instant gratification and rent some. The price would have to be right, of course. Netflix rentals cost about $2.50 each on my plan. For slightly-sub-DVD quality and near-instant delivery, I'd pay maybe $2. For FULL DVD quality I'd certainly be willing to match Netlflix's price, or even pay a little more (for iTunes convenience/speed).

    How often would I rent? Depends on selection... which means, probably not often :) At first. But it would be cool to see it grow to a collection that could rival Netflix.

    After all, I already do all my movie watching on my Mac (sometimes connected to TV).

    This is exactly how I feel about the situation. Renting is the key, and a $1.99 price point is perfect. The movies I purchased for $15 I almost never watch again, I am a sucker for impulse buying. I rent movies now for a buck at RedBox anything more that $2 isn't worth my time when I can have the disc in hand to watch when I want in beautiful DVD quality.

    hairstyles and color. Short hair styles pictures
  • Short hair styles pictures

  • macman312
    Mar 22, 08:44 PM
    October 23rd, 2011 is the iPod's 10th birthday. I bet they will release a version this fall to commemorate it, if not a special edition of some kind. Maybe they'll let Jony do what he did with the 20th anniversary macintosh and make an $8,000 iPod with an OLED display and graphine processor just because they can.

    I agree with you they will release a special edition 10th birthday maybe make it like the original (eg put a thunderbolt port on the top like the 1st gen)

    hairstyles and color. MEGAN FOX HAIRSTYLE COLOR

  • Full of Win
    Apr 12, 08:57 PM
    I thought the new iMovie was genius. I knew SO many family members who wouldn't touch the old iMovie because it was too complicated. They needed something simpler and the new iMovie gave it to them.

    I really think the only people who complained about the new iMovie were people who should have been using Final Cut Express all along anyway. It's not Apple's fault that they weren't using the right program before.

    It's always the users fault. :rolleyes:

    hairstyles and color. hair (or any hair color).
  • hair (or any hair color).

  • ajvizzgamer101
    Mar 31, 09:24 PM
    I heard iChat got a new UI. Can someone take screenshots?

    hairstyles and color. the vibrant color is the
  • the vibrant color is the

  • KevanDual2.5
    Sep 7, 03:16 AM
    You are alone on this one - the end of the G5 iMac has already happened, in fact it happened a long time ago when Apple introduced the first Intel iMacs. Hate to break it to ya, but G5 iMacs haven't been around for a long time, nor does a 24" G5 iMac even exist. :p :cool:

    As for this new incarnation of the Intel iMac though, it totally depends on Apple's strategy. If they want to leave it as a desktop computer, yeah, it probably doesn't make sense to get much bigger. However, if they want to eventually incorporate a TV tuner and make it even more media-centric, and have it evolve into something else, then this may just be the beginning, not the end. :cool:

    As other people have recognised..... the reference to G5 is in relation to the exterior, not the chipset.

    I don't know whether you're right or wrong about a possible design change in the near future, but your terminology is wrong.
    The G5 iMac is not a model. The G5 is a CPU. The iMac has not been a "G5" (or, to be more correct, has not had a G5) since January.
    It's just "iMac." A G5 with a Core 2 Duo chip is like spouting off how you have a great "Intel Pentium Athlon machine made by AMD." People will see right through the ignorance.

    Some people have recognised that the reference to G5 relates to the exterior design, not the chips inside.

    hairstyles and color. Hair Styles Colors
  • Hair Styles Colors

  • rovex
    Apr 19, 11:31 AM
    Finally! An iMac rumor!!!!

    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen?

    hairstyles and color. hairstyles and color.
  • hairstyles and color.

  • quagmire
    Mar 7, 03:22 PM
    That'll be the marshmallows they use to replace the springs to make it a little softer for the yanks. :D

    While I haven't driven the Insignia over in Europe, the Regal drives solid and is very stable. So I don't think they did any modifications to the suspension.

    A SPEED TV show went over to Europe to drive a US Spec Buick Regal and drove it on the autobahn and nurburgring.

    hairstyles and color. Gold Hair Color for Women
  • Gold Hair Color for Women

  • drewyboy
    May 2, 04:46 PM
    You'd probably appreciate this app:

    Thanks for the heads up. I've been using App Zapper, which is seems is basically the same thing. But I keep downloading the trial :) A free solution is nice.

    hairstyles and color. Hairstyle And Color Ideas A
  • Hairstyle And Color Ideas A

  • Anonymous Freak
    Nov 28, 12:01 AM
    Apple previously had sold a 17" 4:3 ratio LCD until June 2004

    Correction: the 17" Apple Cinema Display was the oddball 5:4 ratio. 1280x1024 is *NOT* 4:3. 1280x960 is. CRTs are usually 4:3, and Apple's CRTs that support 1280 or higher use 1280x960 (such as the eMac.) LCDs that use 1280 use the the non-standard ratio of 1280x1024. Why? No clue. Some oddball decision a little over half a decade ago. But 1280x1024 became the standard for LCDs.

    hairstyles and color. Hair Color, Hair Style,
  • Hair Color, Hair Style,

  • Huntn
    Apr 9, 10:25 PM
    I don't remember what I learned on. :confused: But I can drive a stick on both sides of the road (U.S./England/Japan). When I married my wife she could not drive a stick and that is all we had, a 1975 Fiat Spyder. We lived on a hill in California. When she first started driving it, she would back out of the driveway and all the way down to the bottom of the hill before taking off back up the hill. She does much better now. :D

    hairstyles and color. Pretty Sleek Low Bun Hairstyle
  • Pretty Sleek Low Bun Hairstyle

  • twoodcc
    Nov 6, 05:48 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for hitting 2 million!

    Apr 2, 09:09 PM
    have one but that commercial makes me want to puke. Once you use one and realize it's limitations, it's not so magical. It's a fun consumption device which you can get some work done on, but without real multitasking, it's lack of real technology actually hinders and isn't so magical.

    Wow, wait till those doctors find out they've been using pretend technology :eek:

    May 3, 09:48 AM
    I wonder if they are going to implement also the iOS "shake device to undo" feature :-)

    But seriously - I do not care of they implement also rightclick for the same functionality.

    Jul 15, 01:03 PM
    As to just web-surfing.... In the time of few years my internet-connection has moved from 512KB to 8MB. I could go to 12 or 24MB right now. The speed-increase has been FAST.

    Wow. In South Africa the fastest internet connection we have is 1MB, or if you get HSDPA, 1.*MB:o :( :rolleyes: Plus it's a RIP OFF!!:mad:

    Sep 7, 07:21 AM
    Still cant see any sign of MBPs.*weeps*

    Maybe next tuesday...

    But remember the iMac and Mac had the first Intel chips, so I think the MacBook and MacBook Pro will get Merom in the next few weeks.... well I hope so

    Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:31 AM
    I just saw this and though it was pretty interesting:

    Sony also introduced their own small-format 90.0 � 94.0 mm disk, similar to the others but somewhat simpler in construction than the AmDisk. The first computer to use this format was the HP-150 of 1983, and Sony also used them fairly widely on their line of MSX computers. Other than this the format suffered from a similar fate as the other new formats; the 5�-inch format simply had too much market share. Things changed dramatically in 1984 when Apple Computer selected the format for their new Macintosh computers. By 1989 the 3�-inch was outselling the 5�-inch.

    Here is the source:
    Sony's 3.5" Floppy Disk (

    Yeah, but wasn't that also when Apple had something like 50% of the consumer market share. I mean... I think its a very different situation even if its the same names.

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