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  • balamw
    Apr 12, 09:18 AM
    Oh... hang on. That sounds awfully familiar. (

    They killed Works for Office Starter precisely for this reason. You get basic, ad-supported, functionality with the PC but are actively encouraged to "activate" to a real version of Office. This incentive wasn't there with Works as a separate suite.

    EDIT: Apple may be king of the upsell on the hardware front, but Micorosoft is great at in in software.


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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 1, 07:46 PM
    Wow, at no time in this rant did you come close to a point. You actually argued both for and against my point at various times in your incoherent ramble.

    Sure, right...and you managed to say exactly NOTHING in ANY of your posts other than flames and insults, always with some lame excuse why you cannot be bothered to give any kind of lucid or even logical reply. I've concluded you're nothing but a TROLL and therefore belong on the ignore list. Goodbye troll. :p

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  • Puppies
    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    We'll see if Macbook/Pro discounts are enough to sway me towards one :)

    In any event, it gives me an excuse to click on tomorrow.

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  • Dr.Pants
    Apr 30, 10:36 AM
    Went into this thread expecting the leather-bound version of iCal to be dropped, was disappointed.

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  • jav6454
    Dec 10, 02:45 PM
    ...running at 3.7 ghz, the temps are in the low 80's C. not good. we'll see how it goes

    Yeah, that is not good. Thermal paste perhaps?

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  • Dagless
    Apr 4, 01:33 PM
    oh, and if the internet provider is giving you the run-around.

    go here, type in the IP address and it'll tell you exactly where the server is that they are connected to. It gives you the IP latitude and IP longitutde.

    tell them that it is being connected at this server location and they'll be able to location exactly which hub it's being connected at and .. yea. trace the burgulars home down..

    Now that just doesn't work for me either. It's saying I'm in Oxford. :confused:

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  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 08:49 AM
    OK, this is the big prediction. A new 50" Display for Home Theater use...

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  • MonkeyET
    Dec 18, 04:08 PM
    My question is if AT&T's exclusivity indeed DOESN'T expire until 2012, then what's the deal with the lack of AT&T iPhone commercials on TV these days? There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemd like every other TV commercial was AT&T whoring the iPhone. Now, it seems like I never see iPhone ads on TV and AT&T is touting every other phone EXCEPT the iPhone.

    Didn't Apple just release a new commercial in the last few weeks about the longer life of the iPhone 4 battery compared to other smartphones? If not for this commercial, I would have gone alone with your argument.

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  • Cerda
    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    its very Ugly

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  • JAT
    May 4, 04:14 PM
    Make sure to post back when you figure out a way to do that lol

    Figuring ( it out isn't a question, just whether I'd want to be that obnoxious. And blow a couple hundred for the privilege. :p

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  • MacDonaldsd
    Jan 9, 04:53 PM has less spoiler - first post!

    Don't no how you got that, but thank you !!!!!!!!!

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  • Slix
    Apr 16, 06:38 PM
    So you're saying that iTunes is hard to beat?

    No way?

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  • DoFoT9
    Jul 14, 01:16 AM
    it's cable internet. the company is mediacom. it's the only cable company out here. but i guess i might have to go dsl if they don't fix it

    im on DSL :D it goes alright i guess.

    howcome you are getting such pathetic speeds? too many people in the street?

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  • swingsong
    Jan 10, 03:52 PM
    Movie and TV show rentals coming to iTunes. Karoke added to iTunes and fun for Apple TV.

    I think a new Mac Book Pro design is long overdue. Apple remote stores in laptop, perhaps in expansion card slot. May move away from aluminum to something lighter like magnesium, carbon fiber or cubic zirconium, or may just anodize the aluminum case black. May see new screen ratios and HD resolutions across MBP line. Track pad will be bigger and multi-touch gestures will be expanded.

    Cinema displays will be thinner, specs improved and all will be HD resolution. Aspect ratios may change. iSight cameras across the line are possible.

    Mighty mouse made of metal to compliment new keyboards, and support for pinch - push.

    Movie and TV show rentals require more space.

    Bump iTouch and iPhone to 16gb and 32gb to allow more room for content. Possible 50 dollar price cut on 16gb iPhone and 16gb iTouch. No other changes to iPhone / iTouch for now. Possible partner for iPhone in Mexico announced.

    iPhone/iTouch SDK introduced, premier partners ready with first applications. Demo of new apps. iPhone software update has bonus features not leaked to public.

    iPod nano, classic, iTouch and iPhone will control Apple TV. Fair Play Video recording enabled on Apple TV. Games enabled on Apple TV with third party remotes.

    iPod classic now supports Time Machine and Home on an iPod is a reality.

    One more thing...
    iTablet. Kicks Wacom Cintique out of the game. Supports stylus and finger gestures. Pressure sensitive. 8-12" in size. Runs iWork and Adobe Creative Suite support coming soon. Thinest Mac ever. No optical drive, but not sure about a hard drive.

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  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 10:01 AM
    1. VHS had longer tapes, Betamax's tapes were smaller, so had difficulty coming out with larger capacity tapes. Faced with one system that's standard tapes could record 1 hour and one that could do 3 hours, most people chose the latter (VHS).

    2. Sony's tight grip on the Betamax format kept prices high and innovation low. VHS decks were cheaper and made by more manufacturers, and hence consumers had more choice.

    3. The porn industry chose VHS.

    so it's kind of a mixture here.
    1. more capacity -> blu-ray
    2. lower price -> hd-dvd
    3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd

    the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).

    it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 07:27 PM
    i'm tellin ya, there's something about starting with the number 4.

    but it got too hot, and i had to turn it down to 3.98 ghz. not quite 4. hopefully it'll stay at that though
    i prefer the number 9 to be honest :p 9ghz! phoar!

    what temps are they running at? had you considered water cooling?

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  • macsmurf
    Apr 16, 02:01 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.


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  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 11, 09:03 PM
    can't understand why it doesn't let me post the right pictures :confused:
    They look exactly like the original Apple ones though

    You've got double http://

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  • fluidedge
    Jan 14, 06:31 AM
    whats the deal with SSD drives?? Do we have evidence that apple has been buying these up in huge quantities??

    Jan 9, 01:51 PM
    I've been know to be cruel:D

    May 4, 03:23 PM
    I've considered it, just to be a show off. Kinda like Eidorian's post above, I'm known as the guy with gadgets and knowledge by friends/family. Whipping out a 40" screen from my pocket wouldn't hurt. ;)

    Make sure to post back when you figure out a way to do that lol

    Oct 6, 05:50 PM
    T-Mo may have screwed the pooch on their 3G rollout, but my phone doesn't drop 30% of my calls. It'll be interesting to see how ATT, and TMo keep up with the 3G coverage, as Verizon and Sprint move forward.

    My iPhone never drops calls and hasnt since after the first few months the 3G luanched. But I am not in New York or California! :p

    I did have a hard time sending MMS the week it launched. Lots of sending errors. And tethering...... how about that AT&T? :rolleyes:

    I want another US carrier to get the iPhone, if for no other reasons than to just spur competition and get a big load off of the AT&T network.

    Dec 13, 10:38 AM
    Dont underestimate the power of marketing. They might have this LTE/CDMA combo where the LTE is not all that functional but is there only for the publicity. Think about the splash of the FIRST 4G iPhone!

    Jan 9, 02:01 PM
    Well I know that the keynote is encoded and uploaded with 90% certianity by now, but they use Akamai for distrubuted large files. It takes a file about 45 minutes to populate across Akamai's servers globally. Apple won't post the link until that is done.

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