final fantasy x wallpaper

final fantasy x wallpaper. Compare with Final Fantasy 13

  • Compare with Final Fantasy 13

  • meanmusic
    Sep 6, 10:24 PM
    There has been talk about release movies at the theatre and DVD at the same time. It seems people would like the choice of where and when to see a movie. Home theatre technology brings the movie experience at home even large screen computers. What if Apple will be the first to experiment with viewing movies released to the theatre at home through the movie store? We've seen TV studios release TV episode sneak peeks and new episodes the following day it airs. Could this be the big thing? $14.99 to watch a new movie at home with the whole family is actually a bargain. Steve obviously has influence with Disney to make it possible. Imagine watch the next Disney/Pixar movie in the confort of your own home on a 24" wall mounted iMac.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X Wallpapers
  • Final Fantasy X Wallpapers

  • ctsport1234
    Sep 1, 02:08 PM
    This is awsome news! :D

    If Apple does make a 23'' imac, I will definately be getting one! (albeit when Leopard is released) :D

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X - final
  • Final Fantasy X - final

  • bmx433
    Jan 12, 05:04 PM
    just because they used Air in their banner doesn't mean its called MacBook Air.. Apple is not stupid.. its all about slim and light..

    I'll be the one who'll tell you "I told you so" ;) .. enjoy the show!

    or this..

    :apple:MacBook Lite:apple:
    Feb 2008

    that's a good point. i don't remember if they use key words in their teases. what was the tease for the ipod touch? did it have one and if so, was the word "touch" ever mentioned?

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Cerberus - Final Fantasy
  • Cerberus - Final Fantasy

  • islanders
    Dec 27, 09:35 PM
    I�m waiting on buying a HD DVD or BlueRay until the price comes down, so I could see iTV offering a HD alternative, and filling that niche.

    Two premium channels cost $20 a month so iTV would sell you the device to steam movies, some broadcast, download like Tivo, so you wouldn�t need a Blueray or HD DVD.

    What else could be practical? Of course it will have a hard drive� a cable box DVR has a hard drive.

    If it also has the ability to surf the web and run a word processor, handle video from DVR and digital camera, I�ll get one�

    That is if the price is about $500.

    Some unanswered questions are where are they going to get the bandwidth to do all this? You will have to have a cable subscription, perhaps just a basic subscription, but even then bandwidth is limited.

    They will need their own satellite, if they really want to compete. But that would make them iDish? hmmm

    This could be very interesting. I have often wondered why all the cable companies and satellite companies are within $5 pricing difference of each other? Is this the rock bottom competitive price so they can break even or are these prices fixed?

    I would love to get rid of so many commercials. I�m paying $78 a month for basic digital subscription and have to use a DVR to record programs so I can zap though the commercials.

    Obviously I don�t know what the limitiatoins are here for an iCast or iDish, and anticipate something like a TiVo that can surf the web, upload video, and download HD.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X2 - Free
  • Final Fantasy X2 - Free

  • chuckiej
    Jul 18, 07:46 AM
    They are not going to announce this at WWDC. Just cause its the next big event does not mean anything. They would certainly give this its own event.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Image for final fantasy x 2
  • Image for final fantasy x 2

  • CdnBook
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    Super stoked!! Very much looking forward to this!

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X-2 Wallpaper
  • Final Fantasy X-2 Wallpaper

  • appleguy123
    Mar 22, 11:37 PM
    I do think some people genuinely believe it's a choice. It's hard for some people to imagine that not everyone's minds work the same as theirs, and not just related to homosexuality. Chances are, someone who considers homosexuality a choice likely has issues with other groups of people as well.

    I think that people who blelieve homosexuality is a choice have some degree of homosexual attraction andchoose not to act on it.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X
  • Final Fantasy X

  • mc68k
    Dec 29, 05:48 PM
    I spent christmas day, snowbound, rerouting the wiring (and cleaning the "computer room" so everything at least looks much better. I actually got 4 4u cases so I have room to grow, they were $28 each plus $17? each for shipping. 4u is about the same size as a normal tower case so everything fits in nicely. I will post some pics soon.looking forward to the pics, sounds like an operation!

    final fantasy x wallpaper. final fantasy
  • final fantasy

  • Rustus Maximus
    Apr 21, 11:38 AM
    It doesn't take long for crap politics to enter a thread....

    I think that happened at post 1 in this particular case. Just sit back with some popcorn and enjoy the's always fun! :)

    final fantasy x wallpaper. final fantasy x wallpaper
  • final fantasy x wallpaper

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    You make it sound as though this is such an obvious distinction that Apple could never get a trademark for "app store". But apparently this argument is not so strong in trademark law as Apple actually has the trademark already. If that were not the case how could they sue another entity for trademark infringement?

    NO... they do not "have it already".
    It's still in the opposition phase. No registration has been granted.

    Learn how to read TESS and understand the coding.

    Apple is filing a preemptive lawsuit against Amazon.
    This is perfectly normal for anyone who is going through the trademark process.
    The lawsuit's merits will be determined by the outcome of the opposition phase from the USPTO.

    Now step away from the keyboard.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Bahamut 01 Wallpaper 800 x 600
  • Bahamut 01 Wallpaper 800 x 600

  • noriyori
    Nov 29, 03:02 PM
    I would just hope they would have video streaming like the slingbox so you can access all of your content from where ever you may be around the globe.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Tidus Yuna Wallpaper
  • Tidus Yuna Wallpaper

  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 04:16 PM
    Faster? Not so sure. More stable? Definitely. All of my main bugs have been fixed aside from the full screen apps on dual screens.

    So I guess we won�t see any new features� Apple is busy polishing what we�ve got now�:/

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X, as mentioned
  • Final Fantasy X, as mentioned

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 09:56 PM
    @robimbs (Rob Imbs)
    Holy ****! Instant color matching, unbelievable grade with 1 click. Audience is rapturous, this is almost out of control.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X Wallpaper
  • Final Fantasy X Wallpaper

  • Veinticinco
    Mar 23, 04:17 AM
    an email from SEPTEMBER of last year is relevant now? maybe they didn't have plans then but are killing it now? things change

    kind of strange to mention a 9 month old email dont you think?
    Try SIX months there Jules Verne.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Shiva (Final Fantasy X)
  • Shiva (Final Fantasy X)

  • mrkramer
    Mar 18, 09:19 AM
    Are missiles okay? How about bombs?

    As long as we are using them only against military targets, and not handing them over to the rebels to use how they want I see no problem. It will end with a lot fewer people dead than if we let Gadaffi kill his own people. Plus having the international community stand up to him will show other dictators that if their people want them to go they can't use force to stay.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X Anime Wallpaper #9
  • Final Fantasy X Anime Wallpaper #9

  • DewGuy1999
    Feb 22, 07:39 PM
    I wish I could find a Mini DisplayPort to DVI cable, but those don't seem to exist.> CABLES > Video Cables - DisplayPort > Mini DisplayPort to DVI Cables (

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X-2 Wallpaper
  • Final Fantasy X-2 Wallpaper

  • codymac
    Apr 11, 01:20 PM
    That said, VW/Audi`s DSG semi auto`s are excellent.

    So are their manual gearboxes.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. Final Fantasy X Wallpaper
  • Final Fantasy X Wallpaper

  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:15 PM
    You got it wrong.

    Llanos, Brazos and pretty much every Fusion platform does not compete against Sandy Bridge. No...

    It competes against Intel's Atom platform. Atom CPU offerings beat the many of the offerings on the AMD side. However, on the GPU side, AMD has got Intel really well.

    Anandtech did a nice little article on this. They found the whole Fusion concept and implementation as a whole beats Intel's Atom implementation overall for the HTPC. However, down to specifics, well I just discussed it.

    Llano is not Atom-level hardware. That is Zacate/Ontario.

    Llano is the mainstream Sandy Bridge competitor.

    final fantasy x wallpaper. yuna final fantasy x Wallpaper
  • yuna final fantasy x Wallpaper

  • Doctor Q
    Nov 27, 02:03 PM
    The advantage for Apple in having a 17" widescreen monitor would be that nobody (well, almost nobody in the market for a monitor) would be priced out of the choice to buy an Apple-branded one.

    There will also be competing monitors at lower prices from other companies, but many people will opt to buy an Apple monitor to go with their Mac, from Mac mini to Mac Pro.

    Nov 27, 01:17 PM
    meh - does this matter? Isn't 17" is getting to be a bit skimpy by any consumer standards.

    I don't think so. Many people (myself included) who use notebooks as their primary computers without an external monitor. 17" widescreen is a great size.

    Entry-level mini buyers don't want to spend more on their monitor than they do on their computer.

    Aug 24, 05:42 PM
    It May Be Time For A Mac For My Entertainment Center

    Jan 3, 10:31 AM
    What any of this has to do with MWSF rumors I'm not sure, but...

    I agree about the word processor. I never could understand why Apple didn�t offer a few more features to make AppleWorks useful.

    I�m using FrameMaker, but that was discontinued for OSX on Mac.

    Too many mine fields in Word.

    I always liked AppleWorks for what it was (remember, this is over ten years ago now), but yeah, there was a long period when AppleWorks was hung out to dry. In fact, unless we get that spreadsheet app in iWork next week, things are still a bit "transitional".

    Problem is, because MS Word has become so dominant, it's been tough for anyone to develop a viable competitor. Which would be fine, except Word has sucked for years now. MS can't design interfaces.

    I bought Office for the Mac out of necessity, but I find myself using Pages these days. I don't need power-user functions that much, I just need to be able to write words and enjoy doing it. With Pages I do. With Word I find myself screaming in disbelief at how awful it is every five minutes.

    If Steve unveils a Pages update at MW which adds a little more power, that would be nice (although the only things I really need are full "based-on" style sheet hierarchy, and the ability to count words in a selection. If I need to do proper page layouts, then I pull out InDesign.)

    If you're a big Framemaker user then I don't know what the solution is. What do you need that current WP's don't do?

    I was set on a new lap top and Mini, but it�s going to be a difficult decision. There is a lot of misinformation floating around, and sometimes the Mac community isn�t as forthcoming and honest as they should be. It�s like they are more concerned if the stocks go up or down than providing an accurate assessment.

    You've lost me here. "Not as forthcoming and as honest as they should be?" Have you seen the bitching about MacBook Pro displays, iTunes 7, graphics processors, and so on? Doesn't seem like anyone's holding anything back.

    On the whole though, there's comparitively little to complain about in the Apple world. You want to see some complaining? Let me boot up my PC ("New hardware detected" my ass. Cancel, cancel, cancel... ah, a cursor, good, it's working... no it isn't... wait... hourglass... wait...)

    As for misinformation... er, do you mean the MWSF rumours? That's not misinformation, it's people guessing. The idea is to grab yourself a pinch of salt and enjoy the fun.

    My first powerbook was good to me, but the climate/quality has changed, and I�m going to keep my options open.

    Which climate are you're referring to?

    Over the last few years, competition has forced all computer manufacturers to drive prices down dramatically, sometimes at the expense of quality. Apple have similarly slashed prices, yet their industrial design standards are still way ahead of the competition. I've never seen a PC that comes apart as elegantly as a G5 tower or Mac Pro. There are equally great things about the iMacs, the MacBook, the Mini (I would also leave out the MBP - nothing particularly wrong with it, but I think it needs a design update to bring it into line with the rest of the range. Didn't stop me buying one just before Xmas mind you).

    It's always possible to find criticisms, but if anything I think the quality of Apple products has gone up, not down. Crikey, when I think back to some of the Macs I've owned - PowerBook 5300c, PowerMac 8100... ugh.

    I�ll wait and see what�s behind curtain number three, but not sure a Mac is the best choice for the average person.

    What is then?

    Unless your number one priority is to spend as little cash as possible, I think Apple's products are strong contenders simply on design and quality grounds (I have a friend who got a MacBook Pro purely to run Windows on, after he'd had so many PC laptops fall apart on him). OS X makes Macintosh the best choice for anyone concerned with usability (which should be every computer user). And Boot Camp makes a Mac the only sensible choice for anyone wavering between Windows and OS X. Have cake, can eat it too.

    Feb 23, 02:41 PM
    Fantastic setup, would love to get those speakers, I'm in the UK also, what make/model of speakers ?

    Elegant setup. What speaker is that?
    Stop being lazy and click the Flickr link he posted and you'll find out. :p

    Apr 2, 10:25 AM

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