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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 03:00 AM
    That's what's driving me mad at the moment.
    I forgot one other thing, which is also driving me mad... the foot steps. For some reason, Treyarch decided to take basically all sound of footsteps out of the game. That makes "Ninja" a worthless perk now, as you don't need it to be silent. But, it also makes it much easier to get ridiculously stabbed in the back.

    I've heard that foot steps, along with the spawn issues, are a couple of the main things being fixed in the first patch/update. I really hope so. The fact that they made it into the final release like this is mind-boggling, so a fix is the least they can do.

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  • iZac
    Mar 28, 04:13 PM
    This not so subtle shift is a terrifying glimpse into the future of our beloved OSX.

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 15, 08:07 PM
    What's CST? I honestly have no idea. Actually, the entire sentence is confusing, could you clarify?

    There is not enough time to cover all the material on the California Standardized Test (CST), this week we crammed (American Studies) on WWII to get it covered before the CST in two weeks (26th). Best part is that plenty of the material is on civil rights+cold war.

    beautiful friendship quotes with. Re: Beautiful Friendship
  • Re: Beautiful Friendship

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 04:32 AM
    A few people have mentioned webcasts and things streamed to London. I live in the UK, can anyone clear things up, am I going to be able to watch the event on the net live (if so, where), or will I just have to make sense of the text scrolling up the screen on this site?


    It's streamed to a room with selected journalists, no member of the public will see it until it's posted in full later on by Apple on their website.

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  • ºBest Friends Listen to what

  • thejadedmonkey
    Nov 16, 01:42 PM
    Personally, I would be surprised if they didn't eventually use AMD CPU's.

    1. Digg had an article on AMD's line of upcoming CPU's which are CPU's and GPU's on one die. Given Apple's history of pushing more and more onto the video cards, this new line seems perfect for Apple.


    P.S. Just went to digg to get the link, and AMD is moving to 65nm in 2007. faster, less heat.

    2. AMD is far superior. Right now Intel is in the lead, but it's not a true lead. For the longest time, AMD had the better architecture. Intel had to do something, so they went back to the P3, tweaked it a little, and added some huge caches, and gave us a CPU modeled after a 6 year old (guessing here) CPU that ran at around the same GHZ speeds, but was faster.

    3. Diversification. Whether because Apple doesn't want to be stuck with just one supplier, or because they want to further diversify their line, it makes sense.

    4. Competition. Suddenly Intel is forced to compete against AMD, which would mean cheeper prices and more innovation (CPU wise)

    I personally wouldn't mind a MacBook Mini:
    AMD Fusion CPU/GPU combo
    DVD burner, ram, isight, bla bla bla.

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  • 3.1416
    May 3, 03:55 PM
    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.
    Or they could charge people for the data they actually use, regardless of whether tethering was involved.

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.
    People who download videos use more bandwidth than people who don't. So carriers should be able to block YouTube and other sites unless you pay for the "video package", right?

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  • quagmire
    Dec 4, 07:55 PM
    People who do that take away the fun of the game. They are more worried about their achievements or stats then having fun. That is why I can't stand campers.

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  • We are friends for life- Judy

  • siderealxxx
    May 2, 11:35 AM
    Regarding iPhone 3G users, Apple will have to find a way of addressing this 'bug' via some form of update for the simple reason that this is a potential violation of the law and basic human rights (and Apple knows it).

    Having worked professionally in areas where information relating to location (past, present and future) can genuinely put lives at risk, I personally will not stand for this and I urge other 3G users to do the same.

    If this is not addressed for 3G users, I would say you have very good grounds to push for a replacement: Apple have violated their terms of service and as a customer, you do not have to accept it.

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  • love you friend. i love you

  • Eric5h5
    Mar 24, 09:11 PM
    Downhill since Tiger.

    No, I'd say Snow Leopard is about 80% better than Tiger and 20% worse. I mostly skipped over Leopard, and went from 10.4 on a G5 to 10.6 on a Mac Pro. There are quite a number of improvements all over the place that show it's clearly the result of taking a look at earlier versions and saying "wouldn't it be better if...", and then acting on it. There are a few steps backwards though, the biggest one for me being the incomprehensible mutilating of Expos�. Fortunately there's a nice hack which restores the correct behavior (and makes the dock look better), but it's a little annoying to have to re-apply that after every update.


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  • MacRumors
    Sep 12, 07:17 AM (

    Apple's iTunes Music Store has gone down and has been replaced with a black screen with the simple words:

    It's Showtime

    The iTunes Store is being updated

    Apple is widely expected to deliver an iTunes Movie service today at their media event.

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  • JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM
    God I wish I could be.

    Yes, Apple are probably going to release full length movies tomorrow morning but there's nothing out there that proves it yet.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of aaaaalllll aaageeesssss.....

    Come the incredible hyperactive inattentive Apple Special Event thread!!!

    You are really disenchanted by this thread arent you?

    But at the end of the day its your fault. You are the leader you must take responsibility.

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  • Dagless
    Apr 15, 12:37 PM
    To say the lighting is quite good, it sure is grainy! The grain also seems fake. As does the angle of the phone.

    It's also fairly ugly and fairly fake.

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  • Enemy quotes and enemy sayings

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 03:28 PM
    I declared timer as an instance method:

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender;
    - (void) cancelIt:(NSTimer*) timer;


    mmm.. I think I see where this comes from. I had a similar method and it was declared in inside the (IBAction) method, like this:

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  • Friendship - Quotes and Images

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jul 28, 12:54 PM
    Series-Hybrids have no need for transmissions at all, the wheels are driven by electric motors only.

    This is a new type, therefore high price until economies of scale kick in.

    True on the economies of scale bit - although the batteries are always going to be pricey.

    I keep hammering the same point here, but the Volt would see a quite significant fuel economy boost by switching to a diesel engine to charge the batteries and run the motors. Sort it out, US car's not like we don't sell diesel here.

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  • Benjy91
    Apr 18, 06:43 AM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Not true, Id say that is in the small minority, believing that is falling in line with the people who believe that simply plugging a PC running Windows into the Internet will result in it being flooded with viruses within seconds.

    There are plenty of apps on my iPhone from Cydia that merely add improved functionality, like 'Infinifolder' which lets me have unlimited apps in a folder. iBlacklist, which lets me block numbers without having to get my carrier to do it for me. BiteSMS, which lets me read, reply, look up their profile, or call them from the recieved SMS window, without having to leave my current App.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 07:05 AM
    I know and either the OSX is able to connect to the windows PC or gives me errors when I try to access the folder. doing this in windows works fine. I used to use Thursby DAVE for my networking needs in OSX before apple started to provide a more robust (though problematic) set of networking tools. When I used that app, I had little problems having OSX access window's files.

    I am comparing OSX to Windows vs. Windows to Windows because 99% of my networking needs is accessing files on a windows machine, whether its on a home pc, or an enterprise server, or workstation. I'm not sure what bugs I could report to apple, other then stating its slow.

    I don't think so, perhaps my post was not worded as clearly as it could have been. My point was that networking with windows to windows is easier and windows has an advantage there. given that the companies I've dealt with, they're mostly a windows shop. My point there then is using windows to access the resources is easier, faster and has less headaches.

    The only reason I'd asked for OSX<->Windows vs Windows<->Windows was that the problem could lie in Windows as well.

    But in my experience, I haven't had any issues. Maybe you should've gone asked the Apple Support Forums about it. Not very sure if you would have gotten a straight answer, though.

    I would say that networking is easier but I myself have seen issues with consistency in connecting to shared servers.

    But this had gotten much much better with 10.6.2/3. Leopard always had bugs with accessing files/folders with windows as well as macintosh computers.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM
    Yeah. Steve, using is Powerbook G5, is here reading all these messages having a good laugh at all of our excitement.

    How did that make it into this thread too?! :mad:

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  • Omegris
    Sep 28, 12:18 PM
    Gates: What's that?
    Jobs: It's an iHouse.
    Gates: But there's no Windows.
    Jobs: Exactly!!! Hahahahaha!

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  • Plutonius
    Aug 3, 12:05 PM
    We'd be better off with diesels or diesel hybrids. People don't want to admit it, but those are currently our best options IMO.

    +1 ....

    That will most likely be my next car.

    Dec 10, 10:12 AM
    well i got a new computer case and new cpu cooler last weekend, and today is the day i take one of my systems all the way down and build it back up.

    the case is a Cooler Master 922 HAF. it was on sale for $89. the cpu cooler is a silenx extreme silent cpu cooler effizio. wish me luck! :cool:

    Ohhh, nice. 922s are nice for medium sized builds...

    Nov 16, 08:09 PM
    Its probably feasible but like not not gonna happen...

    !� V �!
    Apr 29, 05:40 PM
    iCal has taken a turn for the worse. I makes me uneasy. :(

    Dec 13, 10:31 AM
    This is utter ********. The experience is key, and LTE hardware is nowhere near advanced enough to guarantee the experience that Apple would demand for a device the stature of the iPhone.

    Remember: we're talking about the company that withheld phone wallpapers on the Original and 3G iPhones because the experience would have been several milliseconds too slow.

    Fact: Verizon is not expecting LTE-capable hardware until mid-2011. There's no way Apple magically has an LTE phone ready to go while everyone else won't have one for 6 months.

    Fact: Apple declined to integrate 3G into the iPhone when 3G was already available, because the hardware wasn't power-efficent enough. One of the main distinguishing features of the iPhone is its battery life. They're not going to tarnish that image by hacking first-generation, power-hogging LTE hardware into the phone, in ADDITION to CDMA, which is another radio tech they're only now deploying.

    These sources are full of ****. QED.

    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Your second point: Don't you think Verizon would take the oppurtunity to give apple what they really want over the Android phones: The first 4g phone on Verizon network. That would be a huge advantage. Just because the network isnt fully up yet doesn't mean Verizon couldn't have given apple the tech to make a 4g iphone. Verizon see android phone sales dropping and know that an iphone would boost sales by a huge amount.

    Your third point: It would only be one chip, read the article for reference. How do you know how much battery it uses? It may be only a small amount more than 3g. Att's 3g sucked when the 3g iphone came out. It still sucks. Don't underestimate apple and verizon. You may be surprised!

    Edit: By no means am a I acknowledging the merit or lack there of of this article

    Oct 29, 02:10 AM
    Logic Pro 7 has yet to be cracked, so Apple has people who know how to do copyright protection. I suspect Leopard will employ very strong TPM integration compared to Tiger.

    Well, Logic Pro 7 has been cracked and can be downloaded via usenet...

    My Ping in