Ozzy Osbourne: The Perfect Rockstar
It was recently discovered that Ozzy Osbourne's DNA is the ideal DNA for a rock-star. Not only was his body made for singing and writing some of the best music in Heavy Metal history, but his bodies DNA is structured to handle lots of abuse. As we all know Ozzy has done everything from alcohol, to cocaine, to pills, to even ants. Yes ants! During a tour with Motley Crue in 1984, he snorted a line of ants from a Popsicle stick. Oh, and lets not forget the fact that he bit a bat's head off.
Ozzy was also involved in an ATV accident while shooting "The Osbournes" in 2004, which nearly cost him his life. So why makes Ozzy's DNA so special, here are some stats from the study that scientists conducted with Ozzy:
- In his prime drug abuse days, Ozzy was consuming 4 bottles of Cognac in 1 day.
- He also developed a 42 pill a day habit.
- In the past he has taken Cocaine, Morphine, LSD and Rohypnol.
- The scientists also found out that Ozzy is 6.13 x more likely to have alcohol dependency.
- Ozzy is also 1.31 x more likely to have a Cocaine addiction.
- The ironman is also 2.6 x more likely to get hallucinations while smoking pot.
Here is a video with some of the reasons of why Ozzy is "the perfect rockstar":
For more information visit: www.ozzy.com IMPRINTED by Jo Schüftan (Founder of Horns Up Rocks)