Inked America: From Rebels to CEO's
For many generations people with tattoos were perceived as rebels of society, and anyone with a tattoo would get stereotyped as being a low life. By no means is tattoo art accepted by everyone today, but during the last decade it has become more tolerated by society. After covering the "Philadelphia Tattoo Arts" convention, and the "Visionary Tattoo Arts Festival" in Asbury Park, New Jersey. We discovered that not only is tattoo art on the rise as far as the techniques are concerned, but also that "outsiders" are intrigued by tattoo art and its many subcultures.
Unlike any other art-form, in tattoo art the canvas is a person. This makes getting tattooed a very personal moment between the artist and the victim of ink. Getting tattooed is a life changing experience which reflects a persons individuality. The complexity of a tattoo varies according to the actual design and the placement on the body. Nowadays people are going for more extreme tattoos, and we are starting to see more sleeve tattoos and full back pieces. The designs vary according to each persons personality and the meaning behind their tattoos. Some people might get a massive piece and others might get a tiny piece. When getting tattooed the size does not matter, the meaning of the piece of art is what matters the most.
Today, many high level executives have tattoos; some even have full sleeves. Does this mean that tattoo art will become widely accepted within society? Not necessarily. However, tattoo art is on the rise thanks to the role it has in the media and in popular culture.
Today we present to you a mini series called "Inked America: From Rebels to CEO's", we hope you enjoy it!
Inked America: From Rebels to CEO's (PART 1)
Inked America: From Rebels to CEO's (PART 2)
Related links:
Wyld Chyld Studios
Christian Masot's Official Site
Show Devils (The Enigma's Official Site)
Artful Ink (Kristen Goetz's Official Site)
Golden Hammer Studios (Shaun Whitehead's Official Site)
Kings County Tattoos (Kenny K-Bar's Official Site) IMPRINTED by Jo Schüftan (Founder of Horns Up Rocks)