Duff's Halloween Peter Steele Remembrance Party
As we all know (or should know), this Sunday is Halloween! From all the events and parties going on here in New York City, there is one that stands out and should be a memorable night for all involved. We are talking about the Peter Steel Halloween Party at Duff's Brooklyn. This is the first event held at the bar, since Pete passed away earlier this year. Here is the official statement from Jimmy Duff (Owner of Duff's Brooklyn):
"This Halloween is going to be our first without "The Green Man", Peter Steele. It wouldn't be right to let the holiday pass without paying tribute to our fallen friend. As you know, Halloween was Peter's favorite holiday, and we all looked forward each year to a Halloween tour/show from Type O Negative. Talk about a perfect pairing. For the fans, this is going to be a celebration of Peter's love for the holiday, and all things "Peter". The gathering, which is being held with the "green light" from the band and Peter's family, isn't going to be the big Peter memorial that has been discussed - When the time is right, that will be held down the road. With that said, we're all in agreement that if, and when such an event happens, it will be done right, or not at all. Have a fun and safe Halloween weekend everyone."
We hope to see you this Sunday at Duff's Brooklyn to raise the Horns Up in memory of the great Peter Steele! Here is an interview that Jimmy Duff conducted with Peter Steele, in one of Pete's many visits to Duff's Brooklyn.
JIMMY DUFF: Hey Peter - First off, I want to thank you for agreeing to be the first interview for the DUFF'S website.
PETER STEELE: And thank you, for like, the worst wine for free that you served to me.
JD: Hey, whadda want for for free?
(Peter grabs my hat)
PS: Hey, fuckin' Gilligan, what the fuck?
JD: It's my sun hat, I gotta stay out of the fuckin' sun.
JD: All right
PS: What now, what?
JD: Congratulations on the new Type O record...
PS: You say that to all the bands that come through here
JD: The general opinion among everyone I've spoken to about the new disc is that it's the best TON release since October Rust. How do you feel about the record?
PS: You really took me off guard here, I have to say... How do I feel about it?
JD: Yeah.
PS: Not that I'd buy it, but I do like it. I mean, I wouldn't reject it if it was put in my mailbox, or even my female box.
JD: So you're pleased with how it came out?
PS: I'm pleased, but please don't tell anyone.
JD: How are things working out with the new label, SPV?
PS: With my STD's?
PS: SPV, actually we're doing really well with them. I will leave what happened today as an isolated incident, ah, experience, whatever.
JD: What happened today?
PS: I had a bunch of interviews to do and it didn't go too well. I mean...
JD: Like this one
PS: They gave me tokens for like the New York City Transit system but they were from 1975. And they didn't work. You know, they look like nickels.
JD: Were they slugs?
PS: I believe that they were real because I recognized them from my childhood. They were like bronze, but they had the Y cut out. And the bus driver yelled at me. And I believe his name was Ralph Kramden. He hurt my feelings. What are you laughing at?
JD: Nothing, nothing.
PS: You fucking look in the mirror with that hat.
JD: Dead Again is the first TON record in 6 years - Can the fans expect a return to a semi regular record / tour cycle, or will it be a long time before we see another release?
PS: What can the fans expect?
PS: Has it been six years since we released a record?
JD: Five or six years, I'd have to check.
PS: When you talk about records, I mean, I believe I was locked up for attempted murder a couple years ago, so I think I have another record.
JD: That's another record altogether.
PS: Although I think that was actually your record.
JD: That wasn't my record.
PS: I have hearsed all about you.
PS: So, you have a new car, don't you?
JD: Yes I do. I got another hearse, it's over there
PS: Seats a family of 4?
JD: Yes indeed.
PS: I have the exact family in mind. Please change the subject because my dick is getting hard.
JD: Say no more.JD: You just recently completed a swing through the US. How did that go? Any highlights?
PS: The USA? Yeah, it was cool, I liked Texas. I love Southern girls, ya know (in a southern accent) "Hi Peter, Hi Peter". Oh my god. Ya know, I mean doesn't your dick get hard with even me saying it ? And I have a really high testosterone level. (Southern accent again) "Hi Peter", I'm like holy shit man. I'm like - I'm sorry about the war and Northern aggression... Pardon me about the Youuu-nited states (more indecipherable southern type ramblings). So I just apologize. "Hi Peter" - I'm like, oh, you can do whatever you want to me. Like a fucking dingbat outta hell.
JD: All right now, lemme ask you a question - There was a show cancellation in San Antonio. Is there anything you'd like to say to the fans in regard to the cancellation of the show?
PS: Yes, I am ill, of course it's mentally ill, but um... There was, um... sociopolitical problems within the band. I mean we have Democrats, and Republicans, and parameciums within the band, and, ah, I consider myself to be like a e-coli , so I didn't agree, so the show had to be canceled.
JD: So would you like to say anything to the fans about that, if they should be reading this, this transcribed interview?
PS: Transcribed? That's a big word for you.
JD: I don't know what it means.
PS: I mean, you can't even afford a fucking razor blade...
PS: The show was canceled for reasons that I really can't go into, but I am extremely sorry for the fans. I mean, San Antonio has always been great to the band. And, I promise, as a mammal, that we will attempt to make it up to our fans in San Antonio.
JD: All right, cool.
JD: Some people have been grumbling that sometimes you sit down during the set. Are there any medical problems that make you sit down? I mean, what's the story with that?
PS: No, it's just that I'm even more bored than the audience.
JD: I thought maybe you had bunions or something.
PS: Bunions?? I will tell you something honestly... I fell of my bike a couple of months ago. I have this prototype Harley Davidson, it's called an MT 500. And it was in the shop, and Harley Davidson got my parts from Italy, fucking Transylvania... Ya know, so when I finally got the bike out, I had not been on the bike for two years. So I'm going down fucking 18th Avenue in Brooklyn and this car pulls out in front of me, and I'm thinking - Do I really want the last thing through my head to be a windshield? So I decided to lay it down. And look (Peter drops his pants to reveal two large gnarly purple scars on his shin and kneecap.) I actually fell off the bike and fucked my leg up. I had no license, no insurance, no inspection, or disrespection, whatever... I just picked the bike up...
JD: What did you do? You just split?
PS: Yeah. I had a friend following me, a cop friend that I won't name, and I said, how did I look when I fell? And he said, 'you hit the ground like a fucking ton of bricks.' So now I have an excuse to look the way I do.
JD: Now what was it like to take out Celtic Frost on the road ?
PS: Oh my god... it was... We had too much of a good time. They were great. All the members, we've always been really big fans, and apparently they had been fans of us as well. You know, what do you want from deaf people? Brand New Sin, who Joey Z produced, you know Joey Z from Life of Agony and Carnivore.
JD: Yeah, sure.
PS: Right. You made a fool out of yourself one time at a Carnivore show.
JD: I did, yes I did.
PS: Yeah, but I made a bigger fool, cause I was onstage for 70 minutes, you had 1 minute of glory, I was a super dick. But, um, Celtic Frost, they are great guys. It's like, all these creepy, horror, deathrock, satanic bands. They're like the nicest guys in the world. You know, you want them to be like the catering company at your fucking wedding. But only if you're marrying a dead girl.
JD: How about an amusing story from the road?
PS: This one time, when I was young and good looking, which was like, yesterday, when Type O Negative was on tour... I had gone onto the bus after the show and there's a knock on the bus door. Actually, it sounded like bristles, or horns (Peter makes a similar sound.) So I go to the door in my fucking underwear, and here's this beautiful "full figured" gothic gal - So I ask her, are you a good witch or a bad witch? And she says, just gimme a fucking sandwich!! So of course, with a remark like that, oh baby, you come on. And you know New York City has kneeling buses, where the step goes down? The step went down automatically. And she had these little tiny, like pig feet. I don't know how she found shoes so small, but they were porcelain and black. But she had these big coffee can cans. It was like science, she blinded me with defiance.
JD: In addition to TON, you've been keeping busy with Carnivore recently. Are there any plans for a new Carnivore tour or record?
PS: Why yes. We're doing a European tour for six weeks, and after that I think we'll be doing two weeks in the states, so... I mean, does anyone know that I'm talking to you at DUFF'S and that you are "JD"? Like I shot JD? Like I shot JR? I shot JD. It should be... to play out here (Peter talking about playing outside the bar on the deck.) Or ya put us upstairs. Like fucking let it bleed, like the Beatles. But with, like the whole fucking Planet of the Apes thing, it would be great. But you don't want the cops here.
JD: We could hook that up.
JD: Our friend Sean Murphy filmed...
PS: (In Irish accent) Aye, Sean!! (Unintelligible Irish ramblings)
JD: He filmed the Carnivore show last fall at BB Kings...
PS: (Irish accent) Aye, Type OHHH Negative, aye, fer Saint Paddies day!! The fuck you laughing at?
JD: Will that ever see the light of day, or was it just recorded for your archives?
PS: I don't know...
JD: Just trying to throw an Irish guy some work?
PS: A six pack and a potato, aye matey, aye .
JD: What's on tap for Type O this summer, I heard you're playing some festivals...
PS: On tap, the segueway from the Irish...
PS: Festivals ?
JD: Yeah, any festivals lined up?
PS: In Europe, yeah. And they are, fucking so chaotic. No sound-check... But (Speaking like a deaf person) When you're deaf who care about sound-check.
Try to transcribe that.
JD: How do you fly? I mean, I know I have a difficult time flying because I can't fit into a fucking seat too well. Do you fly first class usually?
PS: I buy like a fucking refrigerator, and then I return it, but I keep the box. And I paint the box white, and I write on the side in stencils in Cyrillic (in Russian accent) - Beautiful Russian bride, please do not tip over because bride is inside with food and water. So I get sent back to Europe as a beautiful Russian Bride.
JD: So what are you up to now, now that you're off the road, since the last gigs at Irving Plaza a couple weeks ago?
PS: We have about two and half weeks off, and now we have to go to Europe, so I have, of course, like personal, social, legal things to do at home, this and that. I was trying keep out of trouble until I made a wrong turn on fucking Kent Avenue, and wound up here.
JD: Band business aside, most people don't know that you drive an interesting vehicle. What can you tell me about that?
PS: I have two interesting vehicles, the first one is a modified 85 Grand Prix that I raised up on swamp tires, 33's in the back, 31's in the front. Cut out the wheel wheels, took off the bumpers, welded on I beams with chains... took out the back seat... no dashboard, pretty much it's gas, brake, stick shift, which I put in myself... It used to be a 350 transmission, but now it's... I put a tractor engine in there, and ah, woof woof. I have a PA system in there, I can yell at people... And I also have a Long Island railroad train horn, with the the compressor in my trunk. So when I hit the horn... (Peter makes train horn noise). It's tuned to Black Sabbath's Black Sabbath, the devils triad.
JD: Is that's the name of the car?
PS: No. My car is called handsome.
PS: Whenever I do an oil change, I dump the oil all over the car. I spray painted it flat black, I put yellow caution stripes on the side.
JD: Nice
PS: (As Borat) It's a nice.
JD: Whenever you play local gigs, you always have your friends from the Parks department backstage hanging out (Prior to Type O, Peter was employed by the NYC Parks Department), which is very cool. Do you ever miss having a straight job?
PS: Of course I do. I mean... I traded a shovel for a bass, and I figured, either way, it's, you know, picking up shit.
JD: You recently donated an autographed pair of your orange, skid marked, prison underwear... (True story)
PS: What?!?!
JD: To the bar, for which we are eternally grateful. Do you have any souvenirs, or keepsakes from your numerous tours that you keep around the house?
PS: Yes I do, but bad things come to those who wait.
JD: Where do you hope to be in five or six years?
PS: In five minutes, I hope to be dead. After this interview, yeah.
Interview courtesy of Duff's Brooklyn.
Related links:
Official Site of Duff's Brooklyn
Official Site of Duff's Brooklyn IMPRINTED by Jo Schüftan (Founder of Horns Up Rocks)