TOMMY VEXT Benefit show
Tommy "Vext" Cummings has always represented Heavy Music in an honest way, he might be too honest for some bands to be able to handle him, but this is what makes him a true New York musician. Regardless of why he left Divine Heresy and Snot, Tommy is a talented singer who wont be retiring anytime soon. Unfortunately, his new project with guitarist Doc Coyle from God Forbid was put to a halt when he was viciously attacked by his own brother. Here is an extract of a recent interview with Tommy (courtesy of Metal Insider) explaining what happened that horrific day.
"On the evening of September 19th I was leaving my apartment in Brooklyn to visit my sister and was struck over the back of my head from behind during an attempted robbery. I fell and turned around and was struck again with a crowbar. The metal bar broke my left arm and this is when I saw my attacker. A 6’1, 320 pound man covered in dirt & blood. It was my estranged brother. Homeless, intoxicated and desperate, he repeatedly hit me on the back and sides with the weapon as I tried to shield myself from the blows. I managed to get on my feet and throw him off of me. I took off to a neighbors house and called 911. The ambulance arrived and I was rushed to the Hospital. After multiple X-rays & MRI’s, the doctors found I had a fractured skull and broken arm. I was discharged the next day. Because my attacker had not been apprehended I was staying with a friend in Manhattan during the first few days of my recovery. Four days after the incident, I collapsed in a Manhattan restaurant and was rushed back to the Hospital. This time the doctors found I had been internally bleeding since the 19th and now my spleen had ruptured. I went into emergency surgery at Cornell Hospital where my spleen was removed and I received a blood transfusion."
On Sunday November 28, thanks to Doc Coyle (God Forbid) and Ria Katz (Santos Party House), God Forbid, Mutiny Within, Dead Men Dreaming, Timeless, Human Decline, The Judas Syndrome, Empyreon and a Great Day To Die, will take center stage at Santos Party House in order to help Tommy collect some funds to help cover his medical bills. If you live in the tri-state area, you have absolutely no reason or excuse to not come to this show. Lets proof the world that the Heavy Music community always rises to the occasion! \m/
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Santos Party House IMPRINTED by Jo Schüftan (Founder of Horns Up Rocks)