No Mercy Metal = Eyes Like Cyanide
Earlier this month, the third episode of the No Mercy Metal Showcase took place at Crash Mansion here in New York City. In case you haven't heard of the No Mercy Metal Showcase, it is a collaboration between New York Hard Rock promoters CT Tamura and Mike Sankuri from Gotham Rocks, and Tim Martinez (A.K.A. DJ Tim No 37). The whole concept is to offer up and coming bands a platform, where they can perform their music in front of music related websites, radio stations, and other outlets.
As sponsors of the No Mercy Metal Showcase, we are meant to pick a band that stands out and tell you all about them. This time around we want to tell you about the band Eyes Like Cyanide.
Formed in 2008 by singer Chris Miralrio, his vision for Eyes Like Cyanide was to create a unique blend of sounds. In order to do this, he consciously started working with musicians from different backgrounds. Today Eyes Like Cyanide has members from New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Michigan, which results in a well crafted band with musicians who add different flavors to the mix.
Eyes Like Cyanide will get any crowd moving with their intensity and passion. They are working day in and day out on creating something that is completely unique, and that will make them stand out strong. Their focus is to keep playing shows all over the tri-state area and to hopefully land a record deal, so that they can take their music to the next level. Eyes Like Cyanide are ready for you, are you ready for Eyes Like Cyanide?
Here is an interview we conducted at the most recent No Mercy Metal Showcase, starring CT Tamura from Gotham Rocks and Chris Miralrio from Eyes Like Cyanide. Enjoy!
Related links:
No Mercy Metal Show Case
Eyes Like Cyanide on MySpace
Official site of Crash Mansion IMPRINTED by Jo Schüftan (Founder of Horns Up Rocks)