Miss JennCity means Double Trouble!

Jennifer Arroyo (A.K.A. Miss JennCity) is one of the sweetest and most badass New Yorker Latina rockers in the music industry. Not only is she the former bass player of Kittie and one of the creative minds behind Suicide City and Spine. She also runs her own production company (Jenncity Productions), she is a music event promoter, a DJ, an event host and she is part of the cast of the all female Rock Opera Broadway show: Chix 6. Recently, I had the chance to talk to Jenn at Santos Party House after a night of partying at the first edition of Double Trouble. So here are the words of a knowledgeable and admirable woman who has done so much for Heavy Metal, and is a true ambassador for woman throughout the entire music scene.

HU: I am here at Santos Party House having a fucking Metal party night. Thanks to…

JennCity: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

HU: (Laughter).

JennCity: I could go on forever!

HU: That’s impressive…

JennCity: (Laughter).

HU: That’s almost better than Phil Anselmo on Cowboys From Hell, which we are hearing right now. Jenn, first of all, thank you so much for putting this together. This is fucking awesome!

JennCity: Listen; I don’t really want to take any sort of credit because honestly it had everything to do with Desolate and Severed, my boy Tim No 37, my little brother for life! He was DJing tonight. And this was something we had talked about for a couple of months and when the opportunity came up, we didn't think twice because I am really trying to pay things forward. I feel like the Metal community has been so good to me in whatever outfit I’ve been in. Whither it was when I was in Kittie, even with Suicide City, which was not a Metal band. I really feel like the Metal community has always been there no matter what. The attitude is: "Yeah, we are going to fucking headbang no matter what (with funny tough chick voice)!" And I’ve got mad love for that and you got to pay it forward. I am a big believer of that. The Metal community has been so good to me; I am going to be more than that to the Metal community in giving back. So luckily tonight we where able to put together Desolate and Severed… and honestly both those bands killed it! I mean, I am still in the middle of the party. You know what I mean?

HU: Yeah!

JennCity: Having a great time. I can’t express how happy I am about tonight.

HU: I think everybody was very stoked. As you said, Desolate and Severed where awesome! We actually got here early and we caught The Judas Syndrome. I don’t know if you know them, but they are a band to watch.

JennCity: No, no, no… I knew about the show that was going on beforehand and unfortunately I was not able to make it earlier this evening. But a bunch of great bands played tonight and that helped out as well tonight, when they found out that the Metal and awesomeness was going to be continuing. We really lucked out. And it shows and proofs that people want Metal in New York fucking City.

HU: Right, not only in New York. All over the country and all over the world.

JennCity: No, no, no… all over the world and you are absolutely right! I know I am saying New York City right now, only because I am pretty proud of those who love to throw the Horns Up! Because they came out and they represented, and you know what? That’s how we keep things alive. Santos Party House is voted all across New York City: the number one club to come to. And just to know that they throw in an all-Metal night at least once a month is pretty amazing. So we are very lucky, so lucky.

HU: So this was the first edition, hopefully of many, of Double Trouble.

JennCity: Yeah, Double Trouble! I mean, Double Trouble is like I am not getting into trouble but I am going to double it. It’s a good thing! Next time, fingers crossed for it. I am 99% sure it’s going to go down. We are going to have dancing girls; we are going to add a bit more to the pallet other then amazing Metal! But it will always come down to, and the bottom line will always be: incredible Metal bands, Metal all night, a place where you can come feel comfortable and have a great time. No drama, no bullshit! Just loving the music, loving the vibe. That’s what it’s really all about.

HU: Absolutely! And you mentioned before, you’ve done Kittie, you’ve done Suicide City. Now you are doing… what is it called Chix 6?

JennCity: Yeah, in a very strange turn of events, I play in an all female Rock opera called Chix 6. You can check out the website.

HU: Nice!

JennCity: And you can check out everything, we are actually going to be staging the show in the next couple of months. That’s all I can say, I want to say more and I want to tell you everything! But I am not technically allowed to. It’s very exciting and that’s also for the open-minded Metal head, and for anyone who likes Rock music. I mean, just think about it it’s Broadway, which is something completely different. And just remember someone who loves the shit out of Metal and Heaviness is about to invade. And you can bet your fucking Metal ass, that we’ll be leaving a mark! Trust it now baby!

HU: So that proofs obviously that Metal is fucking expanding over and over!

JennCity: Yes.

HU: At the Superbowl, there are always playing Metallica on the background; they are always playing fucking Ozzy!

JennCity: You see, it’s always there! And sometimes for some people it’s subliminal, but it’s always there! I’ve been to some Football games around the country. And I’ll hear “Enter Sandman”, I’ll hear different things and it gets the place riled up. Old Queen, that’s rocking off course! Or some Ozzy or some Black Sabbath even, let’s really take it back!

HU: (Laughter).

JennCity: And you know what it always gets people amped. So put 2 and 2 together! You know what I mean? Metal is always been the underdog and I want to be one of those people. And everyone that happens to be in my beautiful little world and all that good stuff, whoever wants to help support Metal and be a part of it: come holler at your girl. Because that’s what we are really trying to do and remind people: yeah, at big sports games they play Metallica, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, old school Queen and that’s amazing. Yo what the fuck is up? That’s what’s really good...

HU: Yeah.

JennCity: And that’s what’s really up, that’s what’s really up! It’s taking it to a whole new level.

HU: With that said, do you see either Metallica, Black Sabbath, or any of the top, let’s say old school Rock bands. Or it could also be AC/DC...

JennCity: Right.

HU: Playing the Super Bowl halftime show, anytime soon?

JennCity: Man, I’ll tell you this. Personally, I think it might be AC/DC to really help break that wall. We got really close, I know it’s cheesy, but we got really close with Prince because he’s got some guitar licks that might impress you if you listen. And so we got close with him. And Bruce Springsteen, off course he is the boss over here. He is a rocker. A Metal head, you know I am not going to sit here and be like: “yeah, he is a big Metal head!” But he is a rocker and so at least that’s a step in the right direction. Could that happen one day? Absofuckinglutely! How will that happen? Everyone just keep supporting what they love.

HU: Exactly! It’s on Broadway, obviously all over the world with concerts, the records… So you got to definitely buy the records, buy the merchandise, support it! Because otherwise…

JennCity: You got to support it! And Desolate and Severed, everyone please go to their My Spaces, if you are still on My Space. But yeah, that’s a great way to find bands. MySpace, Facebook, find them on Twitter. Whatever it is that you do your Social Networking and all that good stuff, please find these bands. Please support them. Because it’s really interesting and it’s really funny. I’ll tell you a very, very quick story. All this bands are like: “yo, are you going to come to my show…”

(Drunk girl falls down the stairs and yells!)

JennCity: This girl busted her ass, bless her heart. (Laughter). So a lot of bands come to me and say: “Come support this and come support that.” And that’s all good, but the thing is everyone reading this please do go support your local Metal band. Or your local stoner rock band, who is probably going to be a Metal band in the next 6 months anyways. Or whatever it is that is Metal and it’s Heavy, they are the ones who really need their support. Because honestly as being a promoter and someone who books shows. The people who own and run the club, or whoever I need to fucking talk to. Everyone wants the bottom-line. Sadly, and I say that kind of with a tear. I got to give them good reports. Sadly, it comes down to a bottom-line for a couple places. So please go out and support wherever you are. I don’t care if you are in Atlanta Georgia, I don’t care of you are somewhere in Florida, Texas, Phoenix… wherever you are it is irrelevant. Please support whoever is throwing down with your Metal and Hard Rock scene, because it really helps. You being there and you bringing a friend or 5 of your friends, it really counts at the end of the day. And luckily motherfuckers like me can go back and be like: “Yeah, so bam, bam, bam.” And it makes it very worthwhile to places that don’t want to have Metal but they can’t help it, because everybody wants it.

HU: Alright Jenn, finally I got to ask you this. I know you where on the road with Kittie for many years…

JennCity: Yes.

HU: What was the best tour, the best night of a tour…

JennCity: (Laughter).

HU: Because you know what? I got to give you a lot of credit because you where the fucking pioneers of all chick Heavy Metal bands, period. Worldwide! I remember I saw you guys in Ozzfest 2000 with Ozzy in Holland. Slayer played there too. And that shit was...

JennCity: Listen, I can’t even believe… you where there for real?

HU: I was there.

JennCity: Are you serious that you where there? I have so many stories about that night! (Laughter). I don’t even know if it would be legal for me to say them. But I’ll tell you this: Kittie are the best, I still love those girls. I am widely supportive of them. No bad blood with me, you know what I am saying? I just wanted to move on do something different with Suicide City. Really, that’s all it was. So bless those girls, they are still kicking it. And you know what? Every time Kittie and anyone in Kittie walked up onstage, they made history. Because there is no… no, no, no, no other female band that has outsold Kittie. And those girls, we got platinum on the wall. You know what I am saying? And there has been over 1 million records sold combined. And even more so after I left them, but I know they have done their thing and bless their hearts. And I am widely supportive of anyone and any women in Metal specially, because we are like a really tight neat group. We could all go and stand right there at that little corner and all converse. We are really just tight with each other. But you know what, it is all good. Somebody has to break boundaries and guess what? Kittie has done it; Kittie has continue to do it. They get nothing but mad love and respect from me. And go pick up their new album! Go to their website, all that good stuff. And as for wildest, I mean I got to be honest with you. (Laughter). As in favorite tour stories… (Laughter). I will say this: there has been some times where ladies, women, are very excited to meet us. And sometimes girls would do anything to meet us, even though you know…

HU: (Laughter).

JennCity: I am not here saying that the girls from Kittie where trying to meet girls, but girls where trying to show whatever to Kittie! And sometimes… Ok, I am going to say that Ozzfest 2002 was one wild trip. Can we say that? I am sorry about the limitations on time.

HU: No problem.

JennCity: Ok. Let’s say it involved beautiful women and tits, and random things.

HU: What’s your favorite band?

JennCity: Hmmm... Slayer, I got to say Slayer slash Metallica. It sounds so cliché to say, but I am going to say it. For Metallica lets say from Master of Puppets and before. Ok? And Slayer, kind of any time because that is a good time with Slayer. Those are my two. And I also love Cro Mags, Agnostic Front. You know, I am a New York City girl and that was big on me. And Life of Agony, you know the melody, the way Keith just sang, just the intensity. And I am not saying they where Metal but they brought something so Heavy to the table, and so emotional to the table. At the time, being a young girl, I never heard anything like that in my life. And that was pretty intense and it was great. So I am going to say Slayer, Metallica, the Cro Mags, Agnostic Front and Life of Agony are my favorite 5 bands.

HU: Awesome! Thank you Jenn, so, so much!

JennCity: Thank you guys so much! I could talk here all night but you probably don’t want that.

HU: Oh, we’ll be around. We’ll see you around either at the fucking bar, the club, at the shows…

JennCity: I love it! Mad love to you, your homeboy, everybody… and you listening just check out all the great bands: Desolate, Severed. You can check out Miss JennCity on Google. Tim no 37, who DJed tonight, I don’t know what kind of site he has going on but he is like my little brother so I love him. Double Trouble, fingers crossed, once a month here at Santos Party House. Thank you for the love!

HU: Fingers crossed and Horns Up. Thank you!

JennCity: Fingers crossed, Horns Up! (Kiss).

HU: Thank you.

JennCity: Mad love!

Related links:
Tim No 37
Santos Party House

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