Great Golf Excuses

Men love to play golf (though I can't figure out why) - but their girlfriends and wives feel that they love it a bit too much. Which is why they need good excuses in order to get themselves out on to the course. These great suedo Golf Jokes are hilarious and may even work.

If you test the new car you get a free round of golf

I have to change my whole theory on golf after I read the USGA rules

Everyone cool plays golf

I'm retired so I have to

Church was cancelled because of the snow so I decided to go golfing

Golfing and drinking beer are just downright fun

You get a free beer at the turn

Getting frustrated is great and I can only get that when on the golf course

Golf is the only place that I can take my woman and she can't talk the whole time

Golf is a great place to learn patience and I need to learn that

I just bought brand new golf contact lenses and they can cut 5 strokes off my score

Excuse? I don't need no excuse!

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