Judge goes easy on Lindsay Lohan again, but adds another year to probation

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel is giving poor Lindsay Lohan another chance granting a request by the 23-year-old actress to extend her three-year probation another year. But the district attorney warned jail time would be sought if Lohan stumbled again. Lohan was ordered to appear in court Friday after her substance abuse treatment program notified the court she was missing meetings. Lohan has completed 15 of 26 individual alcohol classes, 13 of 26 group alcohol classes, 13 of 28 self-help sessions and all six education classes, according to her attorney. Lohan was placed on probation in 2007 after she pleaded guilty to two counts of being under the influence of cocaine and no contest to two counts of drunken driving and one count of reckless driving. Lohan has now escaped further punishment three times after the program notified the court she violated rules. Prior instances were described as misunderstandings. How many misunderstandings does it take before a celebrity gets punished, remains to be seen. But it’s obvious she is getting star treatment. She arrived late for court Friday, which under the circumstances should have been another nail in the coffin but it was tolerated like it was no big deal.