Vision of Disorder: Alive, Loud & Proud

On Friday August 20th, we experienced the best live performance we have ever seen at The Gramercy Theater in New York City. That night Long Island's Vision of Disorder, took center stage and demonstrated that they are as relevant as when they released their self titled album almost 15 years ago. If there is something that Vision of Disorder proofs time and time again, is that they are an original and unmatched band. The key word in Vision of Disorder's music has always been evolution. This is why even after taking an extended break, the original members still remain loyal to what VOD represents. Now they are back in form and outperforming bands stage after stage, night after night. It's no surprise that they were asked to perform at the first Ozzfest ever in 1997, when they were only 20 year old kids.

We could write about what Vision of Disorder represents for days to come, but instead we will let their legendary front-man Tim Williams tell you about the present of the band. We purposely didn't talk much about the past of VOD, because that story has been released many times. And Vision of Disorder is not yesterday's news, they are today's headline!

This is Vision of Disorder performing their song "Suffer" live at The Gramercy Theater on Friday August 20th:

This is Vision of Disorder performing their song "Element" live at The Gramercy Theater on Friday August 20th:

This is Vision of Disorder performing their song "Viola" live at The Gramercy Theater on Friday August 20th:

Related links:
VOD on MySpace

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